If you need assistance due to coronavirus disruptions, we are here to help. The website, www.SOMATwoTownsforAllAges.org is continually being updated with information and suggestions on how to stay safe during this time. If you need assistance, you can call Cathy Rowe at (973) 558-0863 or Social Services Officer Beverly Ashmon at (973) 762-8120.
Grocery Stores
Local grocery stores will be following a safer, senior shopping practice and will be open for residents 60+ only before opening to the general public. This will help make sure the stores are cleaned, stocked and less crowded.
Stop & Shop on Valley St. - 6am - 7:30am
Kings Supermarket will reserve the first hour of shopping for seniors and “high-risk guests” - 7 am - 8 am
Extra Supermarket on Irvington Ave. - 6 am - 7:30 am for seniors only. In addition, they will be offering a free taxi service for seniors to get home with their purchase.
Ashley Market in South Orange Village is not doing senior-only hours but takes orders by phone and does free delivery. (973) 762-5200 x1
Senior Food Bank
If you or a senior you know needs immediate food delivered in South Orange or Maplewood, please reach out to (973) 558-0863 or soma2towns@gmail.com.
While the senior buses are suspended, SOMA Two Towns for All Ages is offering free rides to South Orange and Maplewood residents age 60+ through Gogo Grandparent for shopping, doctor’s appointments and other essential trips. You can use your current Gogo Grandparent account or set one up by calling them at (855) 464 - 6872 (855- GOGO-USA), or through their website, https://gogograndparent.com. Use code “SOMA Seniors” for your free rides. If you cannot set up an account, call (973) 558-0863 and a ride will be arranged for you.
COVID-19 SOMA Senior Support Fund
Thanks to the generosity of our community and town leadership, a support fund has been set up for seniors experiencing difficulties during the coronavirus disruptions, If you need assistance, contact Cathy Rowe at (973) 558-0863 or SOMA2towns@gmail.com